I just wanted to add a quick little post here to thank you for stopping by to check me out. I started this blog to share my crafts with you. My hope is that it will inspire you to cultivate your own craft!

Currently my days are very busy with caring for my beautiful baby girl, but I always like to sprinkle in a little bit of art here and there.

When I do find a free moment I take advantage of it! My choice mediums are: fiber (crochet), acrylic on canvas, beadwork (6mm), and digital photography.

Keep an eye out for my current and future projects!

I also plan to use this blog as a place to share inspirational photos, items, and words I come across in my day to day life. Really, my plan is just to share a small piece on my life with each and every one of you.

Hope you enjoy!! :-D

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


It's another beautiful day in paradise. Although my beautiful baby girl woke me up super early this morning it's hard to be mad. If I were still asleep I would have missed out on taking some wonderful pictures of the morning sky.

I've been so busy these past few weeks. Between taking care of my daughter, the dogs, the house and all my crafts there just hasn't been much down time. The plus side? I'm happier then I've been in years. I may be busy, VERY busy, but I am happy. I get up every morning thankful for where I am in my life.

As I sit here writing this, I'm sipping my morning coffee and attempting to convince my daughter that it's too cold to go outside right now. Unfortunately, she is too smart for this. "I need a jacket then?", she asks. All I can do is smile. Looks like it's time for me to bundle us both up and go outside for a bit and enjoy the cool morning air.

After all, the dishes can wait a little longer.

~ Sarah

Monday, September 23, 2013


Time to share some photos of the dog sweaters in action!

But first, a shot of our poor puppies out in the cold on the day I decided to make their sweaters.

I had to make Pod's sweater first. The pattern I was working off said it was for a small dog. I could tell fairly quickly that small dog was just small enough for Pod. Loki is quiet a bit smaller. 

Doesn't he just look so snazzy in his brand new sweater? He was so happy when I put it on him that his tail started wagging almost immediately!

It was decided that while Loki may be small, he is mighty. So what better for a little mighty pup then a camo sweater? 

 He wasn't so sure about it at first, but he seems to be warming up to it.

~ Sarah


Just a few pics from this mornings walk.


Good Morning!

As I sit here with my morning coffee watching Charmed and eating some delicious dark chocolate chip pancakes I realize it has been a while since I've posted anything worth actually reading on my blog.

So, for those of you interested . . .

I've been working tirelessly these past few days. What do I have to show for it? A wonderful, mildly organized ENORMOUS craft room! I am so excited about it. Funnily enough though I can't work in it yet. No chairs. Poses a bit of a problem. So for now I am still working comfortably from my couch.

As for the projects I've been working on, let me just say, people have been keeping me busy! My calendar is beautifully full right now and I couldn't be happier. I've got a few snapshots below for your viewing pleasure.

This is a scarf I'm currently playing around with - every so often I just have to pick up the knitting needles and see what I can do. I'm really looking forward seeing the finished product.

Small dog sweater

Extra small dog sweater.

 I noticed last week that our family dogs were shivering quiet a bit in the mornings. Shortly after I began work on these Sassy Little Dog Sweaters. They LOVE them!

I'll post some more pics later of our boys showing them off.

Just before I moved to Pennsylvania I noticed a post on one of my Facebook group pages asking if anyone knew how to knit or crochet. Well of course I had to respond. Come to find out, she was looking for someone that could make a Nibbler hat for her kiddo. I was more then happy to help her out! As a result, I have now been asked to make one for a friends boyfriend as well.

Almost done!

Before adding eyes and nose.

The dogs aren't the only ones shivering around here. I am loving this cooler weather BUT my toes are very sad about this. Time to make slippers! Now if only I could get them done. Since it's a new pattern I've been having some trouble actually getting them done. Silly me, I keep adding and dropping stitches. Finally I just had to take some time off. I think it's time to get back to it though. Really interested to see how they turn out and my feet are still cold.

That's all I've got for you right now. Don't worry though. There will be more!

~ Sarah

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


1300 plus miles. That's how long the trip is from Oklahoma City to Chambersburg, PA. And man! Was that a crazy and exhausting two days.

I am very happy to report that we have arrived safe and sound in our new home.

Monday, November 12, 2012


I'd like to start this off with a HUGE apology to anyone out there actually reading my blog.

As you can clearly see I haven't posted anything in ages and that really is just completely unexceptable. Today seems to be a pretty perfect day for this to change though.

Here's a quick little life update:

My family and I are in the process of purchasing a new home in Pennsylvania. We are also looking into purchasing a small ice cream stand in the town as well. There have been talks over the past few months of opening a business inside of this large lovely home, to include: a bakery, gift shop, tea room, and eventually a transformation of the house into a Bed & Breakfast.

All these plans have kept my mine reeling.

Last night we discussed the primary products to be sold in our little gift shop and I must say I am uber excited.


How amazing is that?!?

In addition to these relocation updates I have several projects I have been working on and will post more about them in seperate blogs.

I joined Postcrossing a few months back and have been very successful. I look forward to sharing my experience with that project as well.

At any rate, life has been overly busy and rewarding these past few months and I am so excited to share it all with you.

~ Sarah

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


My house is clean!

I love when my house is clean. I am 10xs more productive when my surrounds are not in complete chaos. Having said that I'd love to catch you guys up on whats been going on lately.

In my last post you read that I had finally got around to posting my handmade items online for sale. The response I received was OVERWHELMING! I still can't believe how many people have been commenting on my items and requesting projects. This change of pace coupled with all the positive feedback has really lit a fire under me.

Check out what I've been up to!

This is a large hairbow I crocheted a few days ago. There's been A LOT of interest in these little guys. Since I had never actually got around to making one before I gladly accepted the challenge.

Of course, after I made the large hairbow I HAD to make a smaller one. Love this hairbow/headband combo so much. Can't wait to find the time to make many more!

Here we have two of my little hairbows that will be attached to alligator clips. PERFECT for accessorizing any outfit. I fully intend to make these cute little guys in about a million different colors.

The hat that I've been working on this week is inspired by Sarah from RepeatCrafterMe.com . It is desiged to look like a "Minnie Mouse" Hat. As you can see here, all I've got left is a set of ears!

The BIG project of the month is "The Smurf Project 2012"!

My mother has asked my sister and I to create 30 of these little guys (although the pattern I'm working off of currently doesn't make such little guys). My sister is taking care of making all the "Smurfette" dolls and I'm in charge of "Papa Smurf" and a simple boy smurf. Pictured here you can see I've finished the head, nose, eyes, and one ear. Last night I was able to finish the other ear and the body. As the project comes along I can see where I need to make a few changes to make this guys a little smaller. Deadline is before the end of September. Guess I better get busy!

Alright! Well that's all for now. Check back often for more updates.

~ Sarah